Are you wondering how to rate and review a podcast in Apple iTunes or another podcast listening platform? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Let me walk you through it, step-by-step. You may have an Apple device, or you may have an android or you may be working from your computer. Whatever your situation, here's how to rate and review a podcast an Apple iTunes.
If you have an Apple device - an iPhone or an iPad:
First, find the purple podcast icon on your device. It looks just like this:
Next, select the purple podcast icon and it will take you to Apple podcasts.
Now search for the podcast you want to review. The search tab is right here where you see the black arrow:
Choose the icon for the podcast you want to review (Flavor of Italy Podcast). The black arrow below is pointing to the Flavor of Italy Podcast icon. Click on the icon to get right to the show.
The first thing you'll see is information about the show: what it’s about, who the author is, a list of the episodes. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page until you get to the review section:
Once you’re in the review section click on WRITE A REVIEW:
Now you’re right where you want to be! There are four things you need to do:
First, give your review a captivating title.
Second, write your review: put a couple of sentences that say why you love this podcast.
Third, make sure you give your review a star rating: if you love the podcast then go ahead and click on 5 stars!
Finally, when you’re done with your review click SEND.
You’re done - that’s it!
If you have an android or you‘re working from your computer below are step-by-step instructions on how to submit an Apple podcast review.
First, find the podcast you want to review in your browser (Flavor of Italy Podcast). Search for it on Google, like this:
Once you find the podcast you want to review click on it:
Next, go to: LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS, where the black arrow is pointing:
It may look like this.....
Or RATINGS AND REVIEWS may look like this, where the black arrow is pointing below:
There are 2 things you need to do (see the two black arrows below):
- Give the podcast a five star rating.
- Write a review.
Do these 4 things:
First, give the podcast a (five) star rating.
Second, give your review a captivating title.
Third, write your review: a few sentences that say what you love about the podcast and why you recommend it.
The last and final step: click SUBMIT. That’s it! You’re done!
How to rate and review a podcast if you're using a different podcast listening platform: Use your browser to search for the listening platform, and then the podcast, so you can submit a review. Not all platforms will let you rate and review a podcast.
If you listen on Spotify head to
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