I've finally gotten myself into the mindset of shedding a few pounds and I'll be honest it isn't easy. My entire life revolves around food and I seem to move seamlessly from one food experience into another. Whether I'm running a cooking program, out to dinner, photographing food or at the market there never seems to be a right time to diet. Frankly I hate dieting but my lifestyle requires it occasionally. Like now.
So I've decided to do my best at following Weight Watchers, which is the only diet program that is healthy and sensible. The key elements of Weight Watchers include portion control (that makes sense anytime), reduced fat intake and following a points system that allows (and encourages) all foods but keeps you from over consuming those that make us all put on extra pounds: the extra glass or two of wine, goodies like cookies and cakes...you get the point.
I know myself. There are certain things that I simply cannot eliminate without abandoning the whole weight loss plan altogether. So this time I've decided to keep those things on my menu. My espresso in the morning with whole milk is a big one for me. And I have to have sweets and treats. For example, I'd like a cookie treat without flour, without fat, without sugar. What's left you might rightly ask. Not much, but I've come up with these banana oatmeal cookies that make me happy enough, and I can eat a full plate of them. And that does make me happy.
If you want a bonafide dietetic cookie that satisfies the following criteria then this Banana Oatmeal Cookie recipe is for you. This recipe uses no artificial ingredients, no flour, no sugar and no fat. And you can eat a lot of them!
Oatmeal, 1 cup
Eggs, two large, whites and yolks separated
Banana, one large, very overripe
Preheat the oven to 375°F.
In a large mixing bowl, thoroughly mash the banana.
Whisk the two egg yolks into the banana.
Stir in the oatmeal.
In a separate mixing bowl beat the egg whites until stiff.
Fold the egg whites into the banana mixture until fully blended.
Using a large spoon dollop the batter by spoonful onto a cookie sheet lined with oven paper.
Bake for 10 minutes until golden.
Makes a dozen cookies.
I really like the idea of those cookies - nice combination of banana and oatmeal and guilt free. Im definitely going to try. Shedding those pounds is a always a struggle. Especially when your in the food business, its good to know Im not the only one!