Eggplant Parmesan is one of my favorite dishes, and one I make a lot when we have our summer garden.You can roast or grill the eggplant, but it doesn't yield the same flavor and texture satisfaction that frying does.Everyone has a different idea on how to prepare eggplant for frying: peel or not, salt & drain first,...
Delicious fried zucchini flowers
There's nothing more delicious than fried zucchini flowers. They’re a delicious appetizer and snack you can make all summer long, and each time you can vary the filling for your fried zucchini flowers. The 4 things you HAVE to get right when you make fried zucchini flowers with your garden produce. The recipe for Fried...
Steamed Cauliflower with a Balsamic, Caper & Anchovy Dressing
Cauliflower and balsamic dressing is a wonderful way to serve this delicious winter vegetable.For those of you who live in Italy, or have visited Italy, you will surely have noticed how delicious the vegetables are on restaurant antipasto tables. The vegetables are served at room temperature...the ideal temperature for flavor to come out to its...
Bread and Tomato Appetizer
Bread and Tomato is just about the easiest and most delicious of all appetizers. If truth be told we have it just about every night while we prepare dinner, and often at lunchtime too. The key to preparing a delicious Bread and Tomato appetizer is simple: high quality ingredients! It sounds obvious, doesn't it? Just...
Deep-fried Artichokes
Carciofi alla Giudia, or deep-fried Roman globe artichokes, are one of winter's most delicious side dishes. As the artichoke fries it opens up like a flower and yields a gorgeous golden-brown artichoke. The leaves are crispy and delicious and the inside flesh is tender and wonderful. Deep-fried artichokes are easy to prepare; the most important...
Creamy Asparagus Soup with Poached Eggs
There's nothing better than a one dish meal and this soup certainly satisfies everything you'd look for: fabulous taste, protein, vegetables, and warm creaminess. I first made this recipe with a group of culinary aficionados who get together twice yearly to experiment with new recipes. Originally the recipe appeared in an Oregon-based newspaper, the Oregonian,...
Pioppino mushroom soup with pancetta, spring peas, and green onions
So often what I make for lunch evolves right then and there with ingredients I have on hand and from the garden. Today was one of those days. It's starting to feel just a tad on the chilly side, the sky is gray and rain for the next week is in the forecast so I'm...
Tiella, Stuffed Pizza from Gaeta
The view of the hill town of Sperlonga alone makes an excursion here worth it. I never tire of that view. The water is clean and crisp and delightful: Sperlonga prides itself on having the top water cleanliness rating along the coast.It always boils down to the seaside life and the food, and Sperlonga offers...
Roman Style Stuffed Artichokes
Roman Style Stuffed Artichokes are delicious served with a few slices of lemon and some calamint leaves. All winter long the market is full of globe, or Roman, artichokes. There are so many delicious ways to prepare them, but the best way is Roman style stuffed artichokes, or Carciofi alla Romana.I usually buy artichokes that...
Oven Roasted Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola and Walnuts
It's a chilly beginning of January and I just devoured bruschetta with scrumptious oven roasted figs, Gorgonzola and walnuts. It might strike you as odd that I have figs in January but my passion for figs drove me to devise a wonderful way to have figs year-round.In mid-summer, and then again in September, when figs...
Supplì al Telefono: Roman-style Stuffed Rice Balls
Roman-style Stuffed Rice Balls, known in Rome as Supplì al Telefono are a classic of Roman cuisine...the roman version of street food. These luscious rice balls are stuffed with meat and cheese. As you bite into the supplì the melted cheese stretches out and resembles a telephone cord; hence the name "al telefono". Originally the meat used to...
Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts
It's winter vegetable season again and Oven Roadted Brussels sprouts are one of my favorites! There are many wonderful ways to prepare them but they all stem around some variety of roasting which gives them their nutty, delicious flavor. Boiling and steaming are a no-no as this brings out a metallic, unpleasant flavor. Stick with...